Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

Theory of Evolution

Around 1830, Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, composed the Theory of Evolution. Darwin's Theory of Evolution stated that all of life (the natural Earth we see today) was evolved from a single organism. If monkies evolved from chimpanzees, and chimpanzees evolved from bears, this fact would help prove Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution revolved around one important term that we know today: natural selection. Natural selection is when the weak ones die and the strong ones live. The strong ones will then pass on its traits to the offspring, producing offspring that are better adapted to their environment.

As an example, let us take the woodpecker. The woodpecker drills holes in trees in order to eat insects. In the woods, there are three types of birds, Bird A, Bird B, and Bird C. Bird A has a long beak and can drill through trees, much like a woodpecker. He has short wings however, and is not able to fly well. Bird A will drill holes near the base of trees to eat insects. Bird B has webbed feet and is designed to eat fish in the water. Bird C has long wings and can fly well. Bird C is able to eat high in the trees. Because Bird B is not used to the environment, he dies. Birds A and C therefore mate and gain different qualities to make Bird D. Bird D has a long beak and long wings, allowing it to eat insects high in the trees and near the base as well.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution revolved around natural selection. Like described in the previous paragraph, this process would take many, many years to make what we have today. Constant mating and survival of the fittest allowed mutations and the ability to adapt to different environments. Darwin's Theory of Evolution is being proven more and more as we progress into the future. Molecular biologists even believe that life may have started from a single cell. The cell would duplicate at an exponential rate, and throughout millions of years, we have life today.


Put simply, Creationism is the idea that all life was created by a single higher power/deity, such as Islam's Allah or Christianity's God. Creation is commonly debated and criticized. Because it revolves around religion, it is unable to be taught in science classes in public schools. There are many Creationists in the world.

What I Believe:

Of both theories, I personally believe in Darwin's Theory of Evolution. I honestly believe that both theories are brilliant and understand why so many people believe in either one. I just prefer solid facts and science over a belief that has never been proved.

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